ITWPA Insider
3 Tips To Help You Toward Travel-Writing Success
Some days, it feels as though the world is going to heck in a handbasket, as my grandmother was fond of saying. When things feel hopeless and you feel helpless as you continue on this journey toward being a published freelance travel writer, I believe that following through on a list of self-care rewards will be the ticket away from the heck and into the happy:
Read More4 Writing Fixes To Help Your Chances Of Getting Published
Over the years, I’ve pointed out quite a few things that novice writers should stop doing to exponentially improve their chances of getting published — and so here are four essential things to consider when writing a travel story that will greatly increase your chances of getting published.
Read MorePitch to multiple editors (they expect it!)…
It seems counterintuitive, but when you have a good story idea or have written a wonderful story, you should send a query for it to as many editors at as many publications you can possibly think of that might be interested.
Read MoreHow To Turn Your Negative Travel Experiences Into A Helpful Story
Travel isn’t just about the fabulous, seamless experiences, right? It’s also about the terrible times when things go wrong. Here are a few tips for putting the unpleasant into perspective, and your story.
Read More5 Things To Consider When Writing Trend-Based Articles
Trend-based pieces help readers evaluate and examine the people, places and issues that affect society, and publications tend to snap them up because they are relevant. Here’s what you need to know to make a trend story work for you.
Read More4 Ways To Help You Find More Writing Time As A Travel Writer
We have the same number of hours as everyone else – even people who have accomplished extraordinary things. There’s nothing stopping us from doing the same, except that we fritter away our most valuable resource: time. Here are some things to look at in your life to see where you might be wasting that most precious commodity.
Read MoreDo the Work and Reap the Rewards
Starting something new, something you’ve never done before, is hard and scary and often quite confusing. But the only way to succeed is to do the work. Here are some thoughts on how to look at your future as a travel writer.
Read MoreStrengthen Your Writing By Cutting Out The Passive Voice
Passive voice is the hallmark of a novice writer, because it’s easier to write and often sounds more “formal.” However, most of the time, it weakens your story and lacks passion and movement. Here’s how to identify passive construction and make it active.
Read MoreHow to write strong ledes…
The lede of a story sets it up so that readers get a sense of what to expect, and it also sets its tone. Here are some tips for crafting a lede that really draws in readers, along with some excellent examples of ledes that work well.
Read MoreHow to be specific in your writing…
Sweeping generalizations are the hallmark of bad writing, and while there certainly are times when you don’t need to go into excruciating detail, for the most part, the deeper you dig to find the best words, the better your story will be.
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